I love communities.
I strongly believe that in order for one to prosper – one has to be part of a strong, vibrant community.
Where Are The Software Architects’ Communities?
We’re all familiar with developer communities. Stackoverflow anyone? Probably one of the largest communities in existence.
And there are a lot more (FreeCodeCamp, even GitHub!).
But, what about the Software Architects? Where can we post questions, gain insights, have some networking, get up to date on latest developments?
Sure, there are some conferences about Software Architecture. O’Reilly has great Software Architecture conferences, and so does QCon and, from what I’ve heard, also ArchConf.
But that’s not community.
I was looking for a place where I can read about these conferences, and ask for more personal experiences, and plan meetings with friends from the community in these events.
But alas… I couldn’t find one.
So I Built It, And Now You Can Come
Instead of whining about the state of community for Software Architects, I decided to go ahead and simply build one.
Now, building a community is not an easy fit, and, after all, I do have my day job, so I’m going to do that gradually.
And the first step in this direction is the creation of a Facebook group dedicated for us – the Software Architects.
This group, called “Software Architects Discussions” is THE place for Software Architects. Here you can post questions, talk about news, ask about events, present yourself, meet other fellows, in short – feel at home.
The group was created a few days ago, and already boasts hundreds of architects, from all over the world.
Note – you don’t have to be an actual Software Architect to join. If you’re passionate about it – welcome home!
So here is my invitation to you – join the group , and become part of a unique community, that will help you become a better Software Architect.